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We endorse candidates in all federal, state, and local elections that share our vision and align with our values. 

We support these candidates through canvassing, campaign events, phone banking, and Get Out the Vote efforts. 


We have been involved in successful campaigns to nominate and elect Helen Gym to City Council, Art Haywood to the State Senate, and Chris Rabb to the State House. We were a major force in the coalition that helped elect our nationally renowned District Attorney Larry Krasner.

Early Voting Center voter lines at AB Day 10.13.20.jpeg

Our Upcoming Events

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Blue Pennsylvania


Richer school districts often receive more education funding from the State at the expense of needier districts. Even though there are more Democrats than Republicans in Pennsylvania, our legislature is overwhelmingly Republican.

​Philadelphia and the surrounding counties contribute more revenues to the state through business, income, and sales taxes than any other region of the state, yet we receive only a fraction of that money back in government services.  While our General Assembly complains about Federal interference in local issues, it constantly enacts legislation to limit the independence of its municipalities. To address these inequalities, Blue Pennsylvania is working with our suburban allies to build upon the successes that Philly Neighborhood Networks has enjoyed in Philadelphia, through the identification of progressive candidates, voter registration and engagement, and ancillary services such as research and publicity.

Our Endorsement Process

Election. Candidate Art Haywood for St Rep meeting with NN volunteers for Fall 2014 campai
  1. We begin in the late Fall before a Primary election to find out who has declared candidacy for key state and local elections. We occasionally encourage individuals to run for office.

  2. We present all candidates with a lengthy questionnaire tailored to the office, current issues and our policy initiatives.

  3. After reviewing candidate responses, we invite each applicant to meet with small groups of our knowledgeable senior members to explain their responses and why we should endorse them.

  4. On occasion we will sponsor candidate forums to allow a larger audience to hear from the candidates directly.

  5. After meeting all applicants for endorsement, our interviewer groups pool their notes, discuss what they have learned from the written and in-person responses and make a presentation to the Steering Committee.

  6. The Steering Committee will then send endorsement recommendations via the internet to our members along with the materials submitted by the candidates.

  7. The membership then votes on a slate

  8. After tallying the vote, we inform the candidates and the public of our endorsement.

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