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Blue Pennsylvania: What is Left to Say and Do

Well, election day is only days away, and there is still so much to talk about.  And since the Presidential race is on everyone’s mind, perhaps this might be a good time to remind everyone how important the state races are this year – for you, and for all Pennsylvanians.  Only three seats stand in the way of Democratic control of the Republican dominated senate.  For the first time in twelve years Democrats control the state house by one seat.  As a result, underperformance has thrived In the country’s only divided legislature, with each chamber blaming the other.  But when you consider that the state house has passed 41% of the senate’s bills (which is about average), and the senate has passed only 28% of the house bills (which is below average), it gives you some idea where the obstinacy lies. 

Among those house bills that never made off of the senate floor was HB 2370, which would have put the state on record by assuring that all school districts would be properly funded at the end of a seven-year process. 


Other house bills that never left the senate were three pieces of legislation that would control firearms.  One bill would prohibit the sale, purchase, or manufacture of ghost guns, which are virtually untraceable.  Another bill would outline the process for preventing an individual in crisis from possessing a firearm (an Extreme Risk Protection Order), and a final bill would expand background checks for people purchasing a firearm in venues other than gun stores. 


On women’s health, the Republican senate had passed an amendment to the state constitution stating that Pennsylvania does not “grant the right to taxpayer-funded abortion or any other right relating to abortion.”  Among those voting for the bill were State Reps. Craig Williams and Ryan Mackenzie, as well as State Sen. Devlin Robinson.  Elizabeth Moro is running against Williams, and Nicole Ruscitto is Robinson’s opponent.  Mackenzie is trying to flip Susan Wild’s seat in the 7th Congressional District.  Let’s make sure he doesn’t, and let’s work to turn more General Assembly seats blue.  Here is how.




Canvass for Elizabeth Moro in Delco.  On Sunday,November 3, at 12 noon.  Elizabeth has numerous endorsements including Planned Parenthood, CeaseFirePa, The Climate Cabinet, and the AFT.  Carpool leaves from High Point Allen Lane at 11 am.  Sign up here. 

Phone Bank: Phone bank for Jim Wertz, on Wednesday, 5 – 7.  Jim is a teacher, who believes that we need to defend democracy, protect abortion, respect workers’ rights, and fund education.  In addition to incumbent Dan Laughlin’s dubious self-promotion as a champion of public education, he has also signed a letter in support of the Texas lawsuit against Pennsylvania’s 2020 election.  And, Conservation Voters gave Laughlin a 0% rating in its most recent report card.  Need any other reasons to support Jim?  You can sign up here to phone bank for him.


Contributions: Below are candidates in the various campaigns for state and federal office who are worth a good monetary investment.

US Senate

PA House Reps

PA Senators

U.S. Congress

State Row Offices

Eugene Depasquale (Attorney General)


Malcolm Kenyatta (Auditor General)


Erin McClelland (Treasurer)










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