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Fight on with the People’s Platform in this Summer for Progress: Call to Action

This summer, progressives are organizing across the country to demand a Peoples Platform – 8 bills that say definitively that this country stands for people over profit*. Neighborhood Networks is a local affiliate of Our Revolution which, in turn is part of a huge coalition including Progressive Democrats of America, Democracy for America, National Nurses United, The Women’s March, Food And Water Watch, and more, telling Congress and the Democratic Party to take a serious stand for legislation enacting Healthcare For All, Free College Tuition, Voting Rights, Workers Rights, Women’s Rights, Environmental Justice, Criminal Justice, Immigrant Rights, and Taxing Wall Street. All but one of these bills has already been introduced and is pending in Congress*.

The #PeoplesPlatform Summer For Progress officially kicked into gear on July 25, with a press conference in DC featuring Keith Ellison, Raul Grijalva, Tulsi Gabbard, Nina Turner, Pramila Jayapal and other outstanding progressive leaders. The big push now is to get the Peoples Platform signed by as many people as possible. Over 100K people signed onto this revolutionary campaign in less than a week, and the numbers continue to build.

If you haven’t signed the Peoples Platform petition yet, please do so now. Then be sure to share it on Facebook, email, twitter and by whatever other means are available to you.  Stay tuned for developments and updates on this campaign.

In the wealthiest nation on earth, each and every American family should have the basic things they need to thrive, healthcare, free college tuition, a livable planet, and a job that pays a living wage . This is the real discussion we should be having this summer, the complete opposite of the Republican agenda to kill health care. Let’s keep fighting until we win.

* 8 Bills of Peoples Platform

  1. HR 3543 – Justice Is Not for Sale Act of 2017(Criminal Justice & Immigration)

  2. HR 1144 – Inclusive Prosperity Act(Tax on Wall Street)

  3. Environmental Justice/Climate Change Bill (coming soon)

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