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PNN Newsletter: Civil Rights Meeting, Election Captains, "Stand Up" Planning Meeting, More

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: Civil Rights Meeting, "Let Us Work" Picket, "Hands Off!" Rally

  • Educate: "Time to Stand Up" Meeting, Financing Philly's Future Podcast

  • Empower: Become an Election Captain in Your Neighborhood

___________________________ Philly Neighborhood Networks Projects ___________________________

Civil Rights, Immigration & Incarceration Meeting

Wednesday, March 26th, 7PM-8:30PM, on Zoom

This online meeting is part of our follow-up to our All-Hands meeting that took place at the end of January. This meeting will address the immediate Civil Rights abuses we anticipate from the Trump regime, with an analysis from allies within our immigrant communities; as well as the ballot measure regarding the formation of a Prison Justice Oversight Board and the education of voters in time for the primary election.

Immigration activist Katia Pérez will address the immediate problems our city is facing with ICE raids, the need for review by the D.A.'s Conviction Integrity Unit of wrongful convictions of immigrants, and what can be done to pressure elected officials and decision-makers into siding with we the people.


Get Training to Become a Neighborhood Leader

Sign Up Now for the Election Captain Program

Philly is the linchpin to win Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, the dominant political party has refused to put in the work necessary to build a strong voter base. Every election, we fall further and further behind the rest of the state.

It is left to us to do this work. PNN has teamed up with the Working Families Party, on whose Board PNN serves, to provide leadership to build this base by focusing on neighborhood-centric work.

Their idea, much like our original organizing model, is to train volunteers to be the connectors ("Election Captains") in their own division, focusing their energies within walking distance of their homes. We would like you to be part of this work.

Election Captains will be offered stipends of up to $600 dollars per election cycle. In-depth training on deep canvassing techniques will be offered. You will also be trained on how to become a trusted community messenger between elections so that neighbors will naturally look for guidance from you when election season rolls around.

If you are interested in becoming an Election Captain, please click the link below to get started.

_____________________________________ Actions with Our Allies ___________________________________

"Let Us Work" Picket at Wells Fargo

Friday, March 21st, 5PM, Broad St. and Sansom St.

Join workers from CFPB Union, NTEU, Philly Coalition of Labor Union Women and Federal Unionists Network at this event to fight back against the illegal firings of federal workers.

Workers at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Veterans' Affairs, National Park Service, and more have been illegally fired or locked out from doing our jobs serving the public. The Trump/Musk regime is also ignoring a Federal judge's order to reinstate workers, instead placing them in "leave" status.

To support these workers, we will be "information picketing" outside the Wells Fargo Building this evening at 5PM because they are an active collaborator in Elon Musk's corporate takeover of our public services. Wells Fargo is currently operating lawlessly, with zero oversight from Trump's CFPB for over a month. Meanwhile, Wells Fargo is calling for the corporate selloff of our United States Postal Service for the benefit of greedy investors.


Financing Philly's Future Podcast

Tuesday, March 25th, 4:30PM, Online

Join our allies from Financing Philly's Future to welcome Walt McRee as our guest. Walt is the President of the Public Banking Institute. The discussion will explore the implications for public banking of all the things the Trump administration has done and can be anticipated to do - from tariffs to critical funding cuts to eliminating the independence of the Fed.


"Time to Stand Up" Rally & Planning Meeting

Tuesday, April 1st, 6PM-8PM, 1328 North 19th St

The Coalition to Defend Democracy, of which PNN is a founding member, is conducting a rally/planning meeting at the Tenth Memorial Baptist church located at 1328 N. 19th Street on April 1st. You'll hear from organizing leaders about the key issues we're facing right now and, more importantly, you'll take part in the planning of actions to fight back against this fascist regime. Let us know you're coming by clicking the link below.

Because this event will focus mostly on budget issues at the state, federal and local levels, it will also be a follow-up to our own meeting on these issues earlier this month. It will have us doing outreach to our reps right there at the meeting, which reflects our philosophy of finding ways to amplify our voices collectively at particular points in time when pressure can be most effective.


"Hands Off!" National Day of Action

Saturday, April 5th, 12PM-3PM, City Hall North Apron

Join our allies at Indivisible Philly and WFP for a National Day of Action to say "Hands Off!" to the billionaires who are trying to take from us what is rightfully ours - Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, public educations, and everything else they can get their greedy little hands on!

The rally starts at City Hall at noon and will proceed with a march to Independence Mall, where we'll hear from politicians, activists and leaders about what is being done and what we, together, can do about it.


This Week in History

Mar 25, 1911 – Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. 146 immigrant workers, mostly women, died in a fire from which they could not escape. Legislation soon followed to protect worker safety.

Mar 26, 1953 – Salk Announces Vaccine. With polio crippling more than 50,000 citizens, Dr. Jonas Salk announced that his laboratory had found a vaccine to protect against what many called "infant paralysis" because it mainly affected children.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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