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PNN Newsletter: This Sunday At-Large Candidates Forum, Sign Up to Buddy Canvass, Driving Equality

PNN’s mission is to engage, educate and empower our neighbors to make our City a better place to live. Here’s what’s coming up in each of these areas:

  • Engage: City Council Candidates Forum

  • Educate: CM Thomas Driving Equality Documentary

  • Empower: Sign Up to Canvass

At-Large Council Candidates Forum - THIS SUNDAY!

Sunday, March 26th, 3PM, Congregation Rodeph Shalom, 615 N. Broad Street

The biggest Candidate Forum of the year will take place this Sunday, as the Alliance for a Just Philadelphia hosts its second City Council Candidates Forum focusing on candidates for At-Large Councilmember offices.

You may recall that the first Forum in 2019 drew more than 1,000 residents at Congregation Rodeph Shalom to hear the candidates speak on a variety of important local issues. With so much on the line in the next four years, we anticipate another large turnout of Philly activists. Be sure to claim your seat by clicking on the link below!

Want to help with the Forum? We're looking for volunteers to sign folks in as they arrive, be ushers, set up and break down the stage and a number of other support roles. If you would like to help, then express your interest by sending an email to


It's Time to Canvass Your Neighborhood!

Starting Saturday, April 8th thru Election Day

Sign up now to knock doors to support our progressive slate of candidates.

We have a new mayor to elect and Helen Gym is in the thick of the race against some deep-pocketed contenders. Her path to victory? Progressives are going to knock more doors for her than any other candidate!

We're also going to enthusiastically work to elect Seth Anderson-Oberman in the Eighth District in NW Philly, as well as a slate of progressives with records of success both in and out of government. You'll soon receive a PNN Spotlight on each of these candidates that makes it apparent why our members chose them to represent our interests in the next Council.

Here's the Thing: If we can get voters to support our slate as a block of candidates, then we are more likely to cut through the ballot confusion of too-many-candidates-to-compare and get our slate elected. That would be super!

It Starts with a Click: Take a moment to commit your time to one or two shifts somewhere between now and election day. So, click on the link below and break out your calendar to see where you might have a free Saturday (10AM-1PM) or Sunday (1PM-4PM) to knock doors.

Just click the link. If your schedule changes, we understand - things come up. But please don't put it off, because then we can't properly plan. We'd rather have you cancel than wait to sign up. Thanks for your understanding.

Want a Buddy? If you'd like, we'll pair you with one of our other volunteers so you can go out as canvass buddies. You can share the conversations at the doors and the time goes by faster. Plus, for some reason folks are a little more likely to open their doors if they see a team rather than an individual. Check the box that lets us know you'd prefer a canvass buddy.


Driving Equality: Isaiah Thomas Documentary

Wednesday, April 12th, 6PM, Summit Church, 6757 Greene St

Join us for an eye-opening documentary on Councilmember Isaiah Thomas' historic Driving Equality bill. Thomas speaks personally about his lived experience with traumatic and ineffective pretextual stops, paired with the data that shows this is a citywide and national problem. Councilmember Thomas' bill, just passing one year of enforcement, is being replicated by cities across the nation.

This documentary shares Councilmember Isaiah Thomas' experience, Team Thomas' process for creating and passing this bill, and the reception from the city. The short film will be followed by a Q&A with Councilmember Thomas.


This Week in History

Mar 25, 1911 – Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. 146 immigrant workers, mostly women, died in a fire from which they could not escape. Legislation soon followed to protect worker safety.

Mar 26, 1953 – Salk Announces Vaccine. With polio crippling more than 50,000 citizens, Dr. Jonas Salk announced that his laboratory had found a vaccine to protect against what many called "infant paralysis" because it mainly affected children.

Mar 29, 1973 – U.S. Out of Vietnam. The last U.S. combat troops left South Vietnam as Hanoi freed the remaining American prisoners of war held in North Vietnam, ending America’s direct eight-year intervention in the country.

Thanks for your activism!

Tim Brown, Organizing Director


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